Benefits From Renewing Your Lease
We share the benefits for landlords and tenants for renewing a lease vs continuing the agreement on a month-to-month basis.
We share the benefits for landlords and tenants for renewing a lease vs continuing the agreement on a month-to-month basis.
Good tenants are essential to a positive rental experience for landlords, but how do you know if you have found one? And more importantly, if you have, how do you keep them?
In a time of crisis, you need an experienced and knowledgeable property manager on your side. If you are dissatisfied with your agency, then it's time to look elsewhere.
Maintenance requests are one of the key responsibilities for landlords so reliable tradespeople are a must. We take a look at why it’s important to build good relationships with tradies and how to go about it.
Renting a property is fairly self-explanatory. But what happens when a roof leaks, damaging your property and the tenant's possessions? Remove the headache with these top property management tips to keep you and your tenant happy.
Allowing pets in rental properties has long been contentious for both landlords and tenants. We take a look at what to consider about having pets in apartments, strata by-laws and how tenants and landlords can reach an agreement on pets.
When buying an investment property, you’re likely to spend time and resources finding a property that will add value over time and maximise your initial outlay. But the work doesn’t end once you’ve found the perfect property. Here are our top tips to main
We’ve put together a checklist for landlords on what you need to take care of before Christmas, so everyone can enjoy a stress-free summer break.
Many renovators don’t realise their choices of fixtures, fittings and materials will ultimately affect the size of their annual tax return. Instead of trying to save money by tackling DIY work, there are smarter ways to increase your result without additi
In recent years, the property management industry has seen several start-ups emerge that aim to change commission-based fee structures and service models. But when low cost typically means low service, what does this mean for investors looking for the r
Tenants’ expectations are higher today than they were in the past. With increasing competition among landlords to find great tenants, it’s important to make sure your property contains the features tenants are looking for in a home.
Property inspections are a key part of renting out your investment property so it’s important that you understand your rights and responsibilities. We take you through the legal elements of property inspections, as well as what we’re looking for in an ins