Benefits From Renewing Your Lease
We share the benefits for landlords and tenants for renewing a lease vs continuing the agreement on a month-to-month basis.
We share the benefits for landlords and tenants for renewing a lease vs continuing the agreement on a month-to-month basis.
If you’re looking to build a new home, complete a knock-down rebuild or substantially renovate your existing home, you may be eligible to apply for a Government grant of up to $25,000 to put towards construction costs.
The end of the financial year is fast approaching and there’s a great way to help you save on tax while boosting your super plus a few other handy tips.
Split depreciation schedules are a fantastic way for multiple tenants in common to see their exact deductions, but why won't the deductions add up?
Managing all the nuts and bolts of your investment property can be time-consuming, but there’s one thing you can’t ignore: preparing for end of financial year.
Whether you're looking at purchasing your first property or want to keep up with how changes in the market could affect your property's performance, a consolidated wealth platform can help you.
Good tenants are essential to a positive rental experience for landlords, but how do you know if you have found one? And more importantly, if you have, how do you keep them?
This is an exceptionally difficult time for many people. Accessing some of your super savings may help you to make ends meet until your circumstances improve.
In a time of crisis, you need an experienced and knowledgeable property manager on your side. If you are dissatisfied with your agency, then it's time to look elsewhere.
If you’re wondering if it’s a good time to buy or sell at the moment, you are not alone.
What a difference a year makes! In recent months, Australian shares hit a record high, the Aussie dollar dipped to levels not seen since the GFC and interest rates were cut to historic lows.
The Government's stimulus packages include a range of important support measures for individuals and small businesses. We unpack them in a summary for you.